guestbook post 2009-03-15 - Hey Ho

    Gilly Blason. Saint-Remi mitré, revêtu de ses habits pontificaux. Cercle Histoire Bulletin 2015
    Communications des visiteurs du livre d'or « »
    Gilly, le mardi le 22 octobre 2024
    65 messages, trouvés dans le corpus du livre d'or.
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    Hey Ho

    11 Hey Ho par BellaGenna, Canada.

    Allo! Bonjour, Ca va? Je suis nouvelle ici, car je vois que vous etes des fous de plein air et de to(...)
    non divulgué * non divulgué
    Posté: 2009-03-15 | 19:26:27 [0195] And this spammer still continues to lure moderators

    12 And this spammer still continues to lure moderators par Alain, Ixelles.

    I was curious too, so that today (March 12) I made a discriminant search on your criteria. AlltheWeb(...)

    Posté: 2009-03-12 | 13:50:48 [0194] Blog moderators => a discriminant phrase search may help to detect spamdexing

    13 Blog moderators => a discriminant phrase search may help to detect spamdexing par Sacha, Gilly, Charleroi, Belgium.

    Blog moderators if you Google search under quotes the presence of an exact phrase like : "minutes of searching the web to find you (just kidding!)" you get 284 answers.
    I rolled over the first ranked ones to warn some of the affected sites about this spamdexing but I am not intended to cover all of them.

    Posté: 2009-03-10 | 21:19:55 [0193] Stop forum spam

    14 Stop forum spam par Sacha, Gilly.

    Voici un lien très utile pour détecter les IP de spammers.
    Je viens d'être bluffé par deux pollueurs de livres d'or. Le premier message numéro 46 était déjà curieux. En effet ma réponse :
    I sincerely thank you for the nice but puzzling message you wrote in the guestbook. I am really surprised and curious at the same time. What was exactly the object of your search and how did you find me as I do not see any relation between XXX, and Anyhow, I had the pleasure to discover Terbuny city. Thus welcome to continue your visit.
    m'a été retournée : failure notice.
    Le message suivant numéro 47 m'a incité à investiguer, démasquer et éliminer sans répondre.

    One third spammer IP just detected : => You are identified by as => Country : UNITED STATES | Region : MASSACHUSETTS | City : NEW BEDFORD | ZIP code : 02740 | ISP : COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS INC | Domain : COMCAST.NET
    Posté: 2009-03-10 | 19:06:31 [0192] Бельгийская реальность - глазами иностранца

    15 Бельгийская реальность - глазами иностранца par André, Жилли, Белгия.

    Just to provide russian speaking visitors with a link to a related site to Gilly and Belgium written in Russian. Note : « 6060 » represents the Gilly city near of Charleroi postal code (zip).
    Posté: 2009-03-10 | 17:23:10 [0191] Привет всем!

    16 Привет всем! par false, false.

    Привет всем, классный форум тут у вас :-)
    Thank you spammer at for guiding us to discover Sorry to delete your traces to clean our guestbook.
    You are identified by as => Country : GERMANY | Region : THURINGEN | City : ERFURT | ISP : KEYWEB AG IP NETWORK | Domain : KEYWEB.DE
    false URL deleted * false
    Posté: 2009-03-09 | 20:25:03 [0190] Good afternoon at review

    17 Good afternoon at review par false, false.

    Excellent site and I am really pleased to see you have what I am actually looking for h(...)
    false URL deleted * false
    Posté: 2009-03-06 | 22:30:38 [0189] Internet artshop at

    18 Internet artshop at par Андрей, Höchst.

    Спасибо за интересные информации о Богах огня. Интересно « Agni » Бог в Индии, и у нас Огонь. В латинских языках ещё сохранилось « Agonie » мучение, боль. I understand, that you did this series as a model for the future work with the family photos. By the way, I want to start a small shop in the internet. As a « playground » I openend one under . Have a look! Greetings from Ina an me!
    Posté: 2009-03-02 | 21:33:01 [0188] I was too buzy to tame antique fire Gods & Goddesses...

    19 I was too buzy to tame antique fire Gods & Goddesses, par Sacha.

    It took me time to fight with antique fire Gods. But this was very necessary during these cold winter times. Here they are : UTF-8 unicode enables now to easier mix latin, greek and cyrillic characters in our pages.

    Posté: 2009-03-01 | 21:33:01 [0187] I can' t understand how to add your site in my rss reader

    20 I can' t understand how to add your site in my rss reader par Music_Mp3_woottarve, Germany.

    Hello to all :) I can' t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. Help me, please. * easeniaevex |
    Posté: 2009-02-05 | 11:40:52 [0186]

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