gilly.be0157 – One little girl let's speak about everythink

    Gilly Blason. Saint-Remi mitré, revêtu de ses habits pontificaux. Cercle Histoire Bulletin 2015
    Communications des visiteurs du livre d'or « »
    Gilly, le vendredi le 19 avril 2024
    1 message, trouvé dans le corpus du livre d'or.
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    One little girl let's speak about everythink

    1 One little girl let's speak about everythink par LitliGirL, Everywhere.

    I'm Kortny (Sophia or Batsi), (IP from Singapore (from Yemen or Oceania), and I'm from 14 to 20 y.o. (years old) Hi, Everyone, I've studied English since this Spring (Summer, Autumn or Winter). It's very difficult for Me! Really hard! I would like to meet handsome girls (boys or people) and practicise My English with them. Thanks!!!
    Replies :
    1) Thank you Kortny for your visit and the little message you wrote. Gilly is a town located in Belgium. Our language is French and it's also difficult for us to learn English, but we do as it gives us the opportunity to communicate with people from everywhere.
    2) I was bluffed, in fact the above message varies as mentioned in parenteses and contains mis-spellings.

    girlbeby |
    Posté: 2006-12-08 | 16:39:50 [0157]

    Page : 1

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